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Showing posts from September, 2020

How to avoid being mislead with your data-driven approach - Triple A rule

Data is crucial for any product development process that aim to be customer-centric and human-first data-driven process. Product managers and teams aim to acquire as much data as they can get to learn more about their customers behavior and hence improve the product key outcomes.  When it comes to data, many product teams struggle figuring out the best approach to be data-driven, and to best use their data pipelines and digital footprints. However, being data-driven isn't a simple thing, and require much effort from the team to understand where and how they can structure this data flow.   But, can data-driven be misleading sometimes? In this short article, I'm going to unleash 1 aspect that can be misleading sometimes for any product team and that can lead to false conclusions about product situation. Being falsely data-driven is more dangerous than being non data-driven at all! Vanity metrics as an example Every metric we choose to act upon can be a vanity metric, a term...